Monday, July 16, 2012

     Braylon and I went for a walk around the SHSU campus this morning, then walked over to the duck pond.  Braylon loved it!  It was a lot of fun right up until he fell IN the pond, despite me telling him over and over to hold my hand, stay near me, and away from the edge.  Just for a little background, the whole time we were there, Braylon was trying to be "Mr. Independent" and not hold my hand or stay by my side.  Who knew this little attitude started so early? 
     Anywho..."Mr. Independent" and his little buddies were throwing rocks in the pond when I see Braylon start to put his foot in the water.  He went completely under and I pulled him up by the back of his shirt.  There's nothing like the sight of your child floating helplessly in water to get your heart racing. 
     When he came up, he coughed a few times, caught his breath, but never cried.  All the while, my heart is pounding and I'm having mixed emotions- fright, anger for him not listening, anxiety, relief, and on the verge of tears at the thought of what just happened and what COULD have happened.  I talked to him about why we hold Mommy's hand and stay by her side when she says, gave him a big hug, then five seconds later he takes off for the edge again.   Amazing!  A-MA- ZING!  I wonder what in the world was going through his head?!  We left abruptly, soaked and smelling of pond water.  Then when we got to the car, he got the second round of his punishment for not listening AGAIN.  Can you sense my frustration?  I bet you can.

Baby ducks!

After the fall and attemp to head back to the edge of the water.

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