Wednesday, March 23, 2016

More Signs

Lately I haven't done many signs. Brad and I made the decision that I would go back to teaching in the fall, so our worlds will be changing. That caused me to kinda lose steam with the whole sign-making business, but here are a few I've done:

Photos from March

Snackin' at the park

Catching minnows, picking wildflowers, and checking on our fruit trees

Working hard to get Rollie's fences patched up and ready for the new cow

The new cow arrived this evening. He is getting used to his new home and "family"

That is one dirty boy

Luke and Tate got to stay an extra day after Braylon's birthday weekend, since it was their spring break. So Grampa Rollie and I took all these rascals for a hike at the Huntsville State Park. 

Everyone got to take turns shooting Brady's new Beebe gun

Catching minnows in the pond

Daddy's helpers

Wyatt loves baby Harper

Monday, March 14, 2016

Braylon Turns 5

Our sweet Braylon turned five years old Thursday, March 3rd. He celebrated several times but the big party was the following Saturday. He wanted a fishing party, so we allowed him to invite three friends (plus cousins) to cut down on the chaos. The kids enjoyed fishing, playing, and eating. It was a beautiful, fun day! And no one fell in the pond, so I'd say it was a success! Here's some of Braylon's favorites as a BIG five year old:

Food: pizza
Color: Blue
Activity: soccer, riding bike, fishing
Song: 'Start A Fire' by Unspoken
Show: Spiderman
Favorite Toy: remote control car

Friday, March 11, 2016


This Spring, Braylon decided to play soccer instead of tee ball. Brad and I aren't ready for two sport seasons yet, so we made him choose one or the other. I've never played soccer and know nothing about it, but I was glad Braylon picked it. He has a lot of energy and loves to run, so soccer is perfect for that. So far, he has had two games and is having a ball! He scored one goal in the first game, three in the second, and fell about 4,000 times. And I thought Wyatt was the clumsy one. He seems to be getting better and loves his team. It sure is entertaining to watch those cute lil guys (and girls) run around out there!