Sunday, December 1, 2013

Wyatt is 6 Months Old

Wyatt turned six months old this past Tuesday. The poor guy got three shots, an oral vaccine and a flu shot on top of all that. He has been a little under the weather, with a cough and runny nose, so he hasn't quite been his normal happy self. We've all been somewhat sleep deprived as well.

This month Wyatt has mastered sitting on his own and getting from laying to sitting position and vice versa. He'll take a morning nap for about an hour, an afternoon nap for 1-2 hours, and sometimes an early evening nap. Nighttime sleep has been rough with him being sick, teething and probably developing some separation anxiety, but he goes down around 8 or 9 and wakes anytime between 7 & 9a.m., depending on how he slept during the night. For the past two months, he has probably slept completely through the night without us going in to sooth or feed him maybe ten times at best. It can be frustrating, especially since he was a great sleeper sleeping long stretches since he was about eight weeks old.

Other memories and milestones this month are him doing the army crawl(crawling with his belly on the floor), learning to growl and make funny noises with his mouth. He laughs at his brother a lot, and can have a bit of a temper. He is very defensive, which sucks when we try to wipe his nose or give him medicine. He is very strong too, so he is not the best patient at his check-ups. Braylon is the complete opposite...very compliant and calm, letting the doctor do whatever he wants.

His stats this month are:

Weight: 18lbs 1ounce (50-75 percentile)
Height: 29.5" (100+ percentile)
Size 3 diapers and 12 month clothes

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