Monday, September 30, 2013


Last Sunday the 22nd, I noticed a little rash and red eyes on Wyatt that night. The next morning he woke up and was fine. He was refusing to breastfeed though. The rash reappeared Tuesday and we went to the doctor on call that evening. She wasn't really sure so we left with no answers. The next couple days the rash would come and go, and he aslo sneezed a lot, had a runny nose, and was fussy. Thursday we took him in to his regular pediatrician, and he thought he may be developing an allergy to our laundry soap, which has been the same since he was born. We switched to Dreft and started giving him Allegra. Friday evening after dinner, he started rubbing his eyes and the rash appeared once again but this time with a mad vengeance. He screamed all through the night and his eyes were so red and swollen. The rash was all over his face and neck line and was bright red bumps. It was so sad and scary that I was worried we'd be making a trip to the E.R. I figured it was the peas he ate. Coincidentally, this is the same thing he ate when the rash first appeared on Sunday. Today, a week later, he seems back to his normal self and the rash seems to be going away. We're still giving him Allegra and cortisone cream, and still using Dreft to be on the safe side. But we just aren't 100% sure if it's the peas or laundry soap...and frankly, I'm terrified to put it to the test. Never been much of a gambler.  It was an awful experience hearing him scream and cry and not knowing the cause or how to make it better.
Tuesday-first trip to dodoctor
Friday night-after second trip to doctor, and starting to use Allegra and Dreft laundry soap

And this wasn't even the worst it got. He was much more swollen in the middle of the night and had a hard time breathing.

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